Testimonial for Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

We were fortunate enough to have Deborah at our oldest son's birth.  We started to get to know Deborah before he was born leading to an easy relaxed relationship during what can be a stressful time.  As a "type A" New Yorker having her calming demeanor in the room throughout the night of his birth was a gift to both my husband and I.  Deborah kept faithful watch as the nurses came through every so often, and maybe a doctor every few hours.  There was no judgments on my decision for pain reflief, only support throughout the whole process. It was nice to observe her knowledge and see the relationships Deborah had with the staff in the hospital as well; in fact my ObGyn had nothing but lovely things to say about Deborah.

When we found out less than a year later that Iwas pregnant with identical twins Deborah was our first call after our parents.  We immediately got her on board, despite knowing that I was now consideered a high risk pregnancy, in fact Deborah assured me my new high risk doctor was great (she was right).  Due to pregnancy complications we had to have a c-section at 32 weeks, and our boys entered the NICU for a month.  While Deborah was unable to be present at the birth she came to visit and meet the boys while they were still in the hospital.  Due to the c-section Deborah issued us the refund that we all had agreed upon in her contract right from the start.

I have now recommended Deborah to good friends who too have had her present at their births - with nothing but wonderful experiences.  Deborah Badran is not only kind and compasionate but she truly is a wonderful doula.

-Mandy Plonsky

November 16, 2017

a photo from Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Celebration of Life Doula Services

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/18/2024

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/18/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice