Testimonial for Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Deborah has been an absolute godsend to me. I actually met her way back in 2005 or so for cranial sacral care, and she reversed YEARS of pain and damge and gave me back my body and health in so many ways. Through our sessions she shared her joy and passion for her work as a Doula. To be honest, I was young and single and had no idea what a doula was, but learned about the wonderful work they do through Deborah. Fast forward to when i eventually DID get pregnant - we knew we wanted Deborah along for the ride!

I had Preeclampsia and must have communicated with Deborah twice a day for a month. She remained calm, supportive and so knowledgable through it all. When i let me OBGYN (Village Obstetrics) know that Deborah would also attend the birth they said "Oh we know Deborah, she's one of the best!" I had a long and painful labor and Debroah supported me (and my husband!) every step of the way. She is a professional, and has the knowledge and training, but also has an innate instinct about the human body that only true healers possess. Through our 24 hours or so during the delivery she managed to be exactly where I needed her when i needed her, and nowhere in sight when i needed to be alone. She knows people, knows childbirth, and knows the human body. She LOVES babies which is so special to see. Deborah made what was a scary and painful time for me so much less scary and painful, and also reminded us to see the magic in what we were doing. 

We went back and forth a little bit about the expense of a Doula. Almost immeditaley after our daughter was born my husband and I both said, "thank god for Deborah."

-Mara Lander

November 15, 2017

a photo from Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Deborah Badran, CD(DONA)

Celebration of Life Doula Services

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/18/2024

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/18/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice