Laura is a fantastic doula! As a doula and mother myself, I knew I needed someone with both skill and compassion. During pregnancy Laura did a great job preparing both me and my husband for the birth of our third son. She asked us questions we hadn’t thought to ask ourselves and gave us the push we needed to prepare well. During labor, Laura showed up at our home ready to serve us and provide both physical and emotional support. If I didn’t like a suggestion or position, she quickly found other ways to support and encourage me. Her knowledge of which positions to try and what comfort measures to use was indispensable. My labor was more difficult than my previous two. My husband commented on Laura’s perseverance. He noted that when things got long and hard, Laura was the one person that stayed by us, continued to serve and offered words of affirmation and encouragement. Laura was so good at knowing when I needed soft words of encouragement and when I needed a bold push. I am so thankful for Laura and would hire her again in a heartbeat!
-Julia Davidson
November 15, 2017
New Life Birth Doula
Birth Fee: $1500 to $1800