I didn't know what a doula was until we met Char at our first birth class. I was thrilled when my husband said "wanna meet with Char?" Char has a warm enthusiasm for life and birth that helped me transition from fear to excitement about birth in our first meeting. The big day of induction came.... and lasted for 54 hours. My husband still recalls trying to get me up and stretching to promote labor, to which I gave a flat NO. Char walked in and in minutes he says I was happily stretching with a flexibility he didn't know I had. By the end I was wimpering for a c section as Char fed me her magic labor slushee and calmed me down. She helped me relax and coached me so well that I dilated from a 5.5 to a 10 in a few hour sleep. Delivery time finally came. It was a thrill. I was ready. Baby was ready. Char and I locked eyes at times. In just a few pushes, our daughter joined us in the room. It was the most breathtaking encounter of our lives and Char brought so much beauty into that delivery room.
-Katy Anderson Miller
November 14, 2017
Birth Fee: $800