Testimonial for Patricia Alatriste

This testimonial may be a little different as it's coming from a father's perspective. I have a son from another marriage and was present during his delivery so the birth of my daughter wasn't my first experience with childbirth and, since I'd "been there, done that," I wasn't too concerned with enlisting a doula this time. However, it was Julia's (my wife) first time and I fully supported the idea of having an additional resource for her. I didn't realize at the time how much Patricia would end up being there not only for Julia but for me and our newborn daughter too.

Leading up to the delivery day we attended birthing classes and practiced techniques on relaxation, concentration, and overall ways to "get through it" but when you're partner is actively in labor remembering what you learned isn't always easily remembered. Thankfully Patricia was there from the beginning and kept us focused.

Having Patricia there also allowed me to concentrate on my role of supporting my wife with attention that was not distracted from everything else going on in the room. She helped us navigate childbirth at each turning point, helped us to recall and employ the skills we learned together in those classes. Patricia always seemed to know what we needed before we realized it ourselves.

Patricia's support did not end when Emma was born. She stayed with us for some time after the delivery to ensure that all three of us were doing well before she left. She also followed up with us a week or two after to see how we were transitioning from hospital to home as new parents.

I would not hesitate to ask Patricia to be our doula again. I can't imagine having the same experience without her.

-E. J. Valinski

November 14, 2017

a photo from Patricia Alatriste

Patricia Alatriste

Modern Mama Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 4/24/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 4/24/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice