Testimonial for Natalie Lynch

I always knew I wanted Natalie as our doula. I was looking forward to training for child birth with her and preparing for our baby boy to enter this world with confidence. Unfortunately, our baby boy had other plans. At 22.5 weeks a routine ultra sound and physical exam found that I was dilated to 1.5. Fear and anxiety took over my pregnancy. I was hospitalized on bed rest for 12 days. Natalie was one of my first calls. She came to the hospital and transformed the room. She knew how anxious my husband & I were and started working on our confidence. I told her how terrified I was and that I had no idea what I was doing. She told me that the knowledge of centuries of women was in my body and that it would know what to do. She checked in on us through the week and offered advice a support each time. Though the doctors tried to slow my labor, our little boy was on his way out at 24 weeks. When the doctors told me in the wee hours of the morning that I would deliver soon, Natalie was my first call. She arrived to the hospital and I immediately felt relieved. She supported me with my breathing through contraction, pain management, and information on what to expect. She even brought breakfast for my husband. She did not leave my side for the 10 hours it took for baby boy to make his debut. Looking back I am so grateful that she was by my side and I can't imagine how delivery would have gone without her. She has continued her care post partum and we are so thankful that she will forever be a part of our baby boys life.

Our circumstance is different than most deliveries and Natalie was flexible and accommodating to our sensitive experience. I highly recommend her services for any delivery. She is knowledgably and passionate about her profession. Her professional and friendly techniques were the prefect blend for our stressful delivery.

-Erin Wiegers

November 13, 2017

a photo from Natalie Lynch

Natalie Lynch

Birth with Intention

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 11/19/2023

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 11/19/2023

Years in practice