Testimonial for Meagan Thompson

When we began discussing having a doula for our home birth, I imagined that person keeping my husband calm and focused, but in reality, Meagan ended up being my rock.

My labor progressed very quickly, and Meagan, her instincts telling her my time was near, was ready when we called. She immediately went to work, massaging my back, feet and legs and applying counterpressure during contractions. My midwife had not arrived when I was ready to birth my baby, and she noticed the cues and immediately got the midwife on the phone, who gave her instructions on how to stall my labor. The wait was painful, but Meagan stood by my side.

She continued offering calm support when the midwife arrived and it was time to push the baby out. My daughter was born not breathing. As the midwife worked to resuscitate the baby, Meagan called 911, and then she stayed to care for me as the midwife and EMTs helped my daughter.

At the hospital, Meagan was my comfort when my husband accompanied our daughter to the NICU. She brushed my wet, messy hair; helped clean the blood off my body; and found me food to eat. That night, when my husband returned home to gather our things, she slept on a crummy hospital couch beside me so I wouldn't be alone. She continued to check in on us throughout the duration of our hospital stay and when we were finally able to take our baby home.

We've been impressed not only with Meagan's professionalism, but her quiet, calm steadfastness and her willingness to go above and beyond. At my most vulnerable, she offered me the kindest, most precious gift of her compassion and unfailing care. She provided us the support we needed at times we didn't even know to ask. We took a leap of faith asking Meagan, a new doula, to attend the home birth of our first child, but in the end, we would not have made any other choice. We not only found ourselves a doula, but through the trauma of an unpredicatble birth, we found a friend.

-Rachael Dupree

November 05, 2017

a photo from Meagan Thompson

Meagan Thompson

About Birth, LLC

Birth Fee: $2000


Updated 2/13/2025

Birth Fee: $2000


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/13/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice