Testimonial for Vonda Kunz

Vonda Kunz was an alternate doula whom I had had one phone conversation with previous to my labor experience. I called Vonda around 7 pm and let her know that I was having signs of early labor. By 9:30, I was pretty sure it was the real deal and called her again to let her know that my contactions were 6-8 minutes apart. Vonda arrived at 11:30 pm (lives over an hour and a half away), just when the pain was starting to get really intense. She stayed with me and my husband at home for the next two hours and massaged my lower back, squeezed my hips through contractions, suggested different positions to try, and calmly remined me through contractions to breathe out and relax my hips. She also had me use the Tenz (spelling?) Unit, which was really helpful. By the time we got to the hospital (1:30 am), my contractions were right on top of each other (1 minute apart). I was shown to my delivery room, hooked up to the baby monitors, and checked by the nurses (at which point it was determined that I was fully dilated). Vonda stayed by my side through this most intense part of labor and suggested that I stay upright and off the monitors as much as possible. The doctor broke my water, and had me start pushing sitting on the bed. After two tries like this, Vonda suggested squatting, which felt much better, and after 2-3 tries in this position, my baby arrived at 2:22 am (20 minutes of pushing). Vonda captured the experience with pictures. She was a huge help with pain relief, easing the burden on my husband, reminding me to relax and breathe out through contractions, and encouraging me the whole way! She stayed a couple hours after the birth to make sure all was well and checked in the following days by phone.  I was so glad to have Vonda there through the birth experience and would recommend her to anyone!

-Amy Tendick

August 17, 2011

a photo from Vonda Kunz

Vonda Kunz

Meager Beginnings Services

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/23/2024

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/23/2024

Years in practice