Shelby was my guardian angel. From the very begining, she was there for me. I can still here her in the back of my head saying
"your hips hurt, walk a little, it strengthens your muscles," "drink more water," "EAT"
She was there for me when all I could do was cry, there when I was in pain and there when all I could say was "I cant do this."
I called her magical, in no way did I ever think anyone other than God himself could stop a contraction as it was starting or ease the pain just by pressing on my lower back. I didnt want her to leave my side. Through the morphine and epi I made sure she was within eye site. I made sure every nurse and doctor knew who she was. She was my emotional support and I would not have made it without her.
I gave my son up for adoptioin, without her, I know I would have had an even harder time letting him go but she made my experience so amazing with reminding me to breath through the pain, teaching me how to relax, encouraging me to keep calm that I got this, helping me deliver my son in 4 pushes, skin to skin with my son, visiting me in the hospital...EVERYTHING about her was just what I needed to make it through that day.
I love this woman and she means so much more than just a woman who helped me deliver my son. I dont much like sharing her but I feel everyone should experience a Shelby and there is only one like her.
-Melissa Gholston
September 06, 2017
Essential Deliveries
Birth Fee: $1200