Testimonial for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Hiring Ravae was one of the best and most important decisions my husband and I made during our pregnancy; I cannot commend or recommend her highly enough. Going into my labor, we both felt strongly that we wanted to try to get through the whole experience with minimal medical intervention. But the sheer length of my labor – nearly 40 hours in all; just over 24 in the hospital – made that goal seem unattainable more than once. If Ravae hadn’t been with us, we surely would have given up from sheer exhaustion. Thanks to Ravae’s emotional and physical support, we were able to have the birth we wanted.

Ravae truly is an expert; she always seemed to know what we needed before we did. When our muscles grew weary, suddenly there she was with a back massager or a gentle knead in just the right place. When we realized we were hungry, she had already ventured out to get food and drinks to keep us going. When we were overwhelmed and ready to give up, she was patient and encouraging. Some of my clearest memories from labor are her printed collection of birth affirmations, which she hung around the room and moved periodically as I switched positions. Whenever I found myself thinking I couldn’t handle any more, I would open my eyes to find exactly the right affirmation hung directly in my sight line – something to remind me why I wanted to give birth the way I did, or to tell me that I had the strength to keep going.

We are deeply grateful to Ravae for her outstanding support, and would recommend her unequivocally to any couple considering hiring a doula for their birth.

-Molly Faulkner-Bond

August 21, 2017

a photo from Ravae  Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/5/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice