Testimonial for Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

Hiring Denise to be our doula was one of the best choices we made for our first pregnancy and birth. From the moment we hired her, she became a strong support to both my husband and I, but especially to me. Pregnancy comes with so many unknowns and for a person like me, that was unnerving. Denise was always available to calmly help me understand what I was experiencing, without judgement. Each time I spoke with or met with her, it felt like I was with someone I'd known my whole life. My labor process was difficult. I had prodromal labor for a couple of weeks before I delivered and it was nerve-racking. I ended up at the hospital twice with strong contractions that tapered off and was sent home hours later. On top of that, my due date came and went with no signs of baby.  I became terrified that the baby would be too big for me to deliver vaginally and I'd end up having a c-section. Denise tried her best to keep me calm and sane. She came and stayed with us in the final days. She even helped us pack for an upcoming move which is not at all a doula service. She could see how stressed I was and was completely committed to helping me have the delivery I wanted. She was also committed to giving my husband a break so he could refresh and be the best partner he could be. Denise introduced me to a hypnotherapist who helped me find a place of relaxation and peace that I was unable to consciously achieve on my own. That very night my bloody show started and we went to the hospital the following morning. Denise created a warm soothing environment for my delivery which made an intense experience as relaxing as possible. She helped me understand the medical options that were presented to me so that I could make informed decisions for myself and our baby.  Throughout the process, I felt confident and empowered and I owe much of that to Denise. We could not have done this like we did without her support.  We are forever grateful.

-Erika Lisa Fareed

July 08, 2017

a photo from Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

Bold Doula! Placenta Encapsulation, CLC, CBE

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice