Testimonial for Heidy Ramirez

Heidy is amazing!!! From the 1st meeting she was very informative telling us all about her doula training and giving us feedback on our hospital and classes we were taking. We were hoping to have a natural birth with no medication, but our little one had other plans. We had to induce at 39 weeks because my amniotic fluid ran out, this was a stressful thought for me. I called Heidy to let her know the situation and she kept me calm and walked me through the process. Once admitted our doctor informed us it would be a fast induction once we started since I was effaced and 2 centimeters dilated. My husband called Heidy to give her the update and Heidy was at our side in no time. She was so intuitive throughout the entire labor and knew just how to keep me calm and focused. There were a few times I got out of my zone and the pain felt unbearable, Heidy was great at getting me back in my zone quickly.
While my husband hit repeat on my 20 minute birthing affirmations recording for 5 hours, Heidy was reminding me to breath and focus on my baby. She would spray lavender and massage my back in between contractions and apply the hot water bottle during contractions. She was also very good at suggesting other laboring positions to keep things moving. In the end only sitting on the yoga ball worked for me. We were so excited to see Heidy the day after we arrived home from the hospital ( I was counting down the hours). We had been experiencing latching problems and Heidy is a La Leche League Leader. Our little one loved being held by Heidy and she helped us out with all our questions and gave us helpful advice. We love you Heidy!!!

-Debra Bautista

June 29, 2017

a photo from Heidy Ramirez

Heidy Ramirez

Birth & Postpartum Doula, Lactation Counselor

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice