Testimonial for Audrea Blayer, CD(DONA)

My son was born in July of 2016 and Audrea was our doula.  It was my first pregancy and I was terrified of childbirth and overwhelmed by our life circumstances at the time.  Audrea was incredibly supportive, positive, and encouraging throughout.  She frequently checked in with me during the months and weeks leading up to my due date, and made herself available to me at anytime.  My birth did not go as planned, as I was induced early with precclampsia.  Due to my medical condition, many of the natural things I hoped to try were not an option.  Despite that, Audrea remained by our side for almost 3 days as labor progressed and things moved along.  It was a marathon, and Audrea stayed up with us and supported my husband especially while I was the most vulnerable.  I pushed for almost 4 hours and she was an encouraging support throughout all of it.  So much of my birth experience was completely outside of my control, but I truly believe her presence helped me to avoid a C-secetion. She truly went above and beyond our expectations.  When my son was born, he was not breathing well and needed to stay in the NICU.  Audrea made sure my baby was ok, but she also stuck by my side supporting me post birth so that my husband could be with our son in the NICU.  She was so helpful with all of the small things post- delivery that  I didn't think of; like how to use a breast pump, how to properly swaddle our baby, and how do I manage a schedule with a little one. Even though I had a birth that didn't go to 'plan',  Audrea helped us to navigate it all with grace. Audrea was an invaluable pillar of support during a very difficult time; I can't imagine doing it without her!

-Becky Stuckey

June 02, 2017

a photo from Audrea Blayer, CD(DONA)

Audrea Blayer, CD(DONA)

Born For This Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1150 to $1225

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 7/9/2024

Birth Fee: $1150 to $1225

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/9/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice