If not for Anna, I could not have endured what ended up being almost 40 hours of labor. As morning turned into night, and dusk to dawn, Anna massaged my back and comforted me each time I had a contraction. She showered, bathed, and fed me. She helped me stay active and moving throughout the labor, even when I seriously questioned my ability to do so. She never doubted my will and ability to achieve the kind of labor and delivery that I wanted to have, and encouraged me to believe in myself. She made sure that there was always clear and open communication between me and the midwives and the nurses, and that the medical staff listened and responded to my needs and wishes. After the delivery, Anna kept in touch constantly to see how my husband and I were doing (and not just how my little one was doing!), and offered words of encouragement and addressed the many questions I had. In short, she was the person primarily responsible for nourishing and supporting me throughout one of the most--if not the most--challenging experiences of my life. She was a tour de force. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
-Chie Ikeya
May 31, 2017
Doula Anna
Birth Fee: $1900 to $3000