When I got pregnant I was completely clueless about birthing options or what a doula was. I assumed I would just get an epidural because natural child birth?? That sounded so intense! My friend Terry suggested Kelly Sunshine and really encouraged me to do my research. As I began to read and educate myself on pregnancy and birthing I realized not only did I want a natural birth for my own experience but for my baby as well.
I met with Kelly and she helped prepare me mentally and physically in the months leading up to my birthing day. I felt so comfortable with her from the moment we met and I knew that with her help I could accomplish my natural birthing goals.
41 weeks to the day I started leaking amniotic fluid and Kelly suggested I head to the hospital to confirm it. I was immediately admitted and told that I had 12 hours from when the leaking started to be in active labor or I'd have to be induced (not part of my plan.) Just before 12 hours my midwife checked me and said I had a forebag and broke my water. That's when Kelly arrived and immediately got me power walking the halls of the hospital. Man, that woman can speed walk! That kicked labor into full speed. Kelly guided me through each contraction and I followed her lead with my breathing and moaning (which made ALL the difference as awkward as it felt in the beginning.) I labored in the tub for a while and Kelly had the perfect playlist of music, she had fluids for me to stay hydrated, and kept me focused during each contraction. Before I knew it my body was ready to push. Pushing was the hardest part and Kelly kept me calm and showed me the progress I was making in my pushes. I was able to accomplish a completely natural child birth and it was the best experience of my life. I couldn't have done it without Kelly!
Oh and she encapsulated my placenta for me! :)
-Laura Miles
May 19, 2017
Sunshine Doula Services
Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350