Testimonial for Maris James, CD (DTI), CBE, CBC

Maris is the kind of person that can put others at ease upon first meeting - she quickly became a comforting presence for both me and my husband prior to our son's birth. She is kind, knowledgeable, supportive and understanding.

In the weeks leading up to my son's birth, I experienced episodes of prodromal labor, which was confusing and frustrating. Maris made herself available 24/7 to answer my questions, help me find relief (mentally and physically) and troubleshoot my symptoms. I could not have anticipated better care from anyone; Maris consistently provided the emotional support I so desperately needed.

Maris was also able to provide an excellent referral for a local acupuncturist in the Park Slope area to help relax my mind/body and to aid in natural induction.

In the end, once my labor was consistent, it was really, unexpectedly quick. Maris came to our apartment, we hopped in the car and rushed to the hospital... unfortunately, in good old NYC rush hour traffic. My labor was pretty intense at this point. Maris sat in the back seat of our car with me and helped me relax during what could have been the most stressful time of our lives had we not had her in the car for support. My husband was able to focus on driving knowing that Maris was there to focus on me. We sat in traffic for over an hour. Upon arrival I was already 7cm! In less than 20 minutes, I was fully dilated, my water broke and it was time to push! No time for drugs or an IV, which made me nervous, but thanks to Maris my nerves quickly turned into determination and joy that I was going to get what I wanted: a VBAC! Maris was an excellent birth coach and held my hands the entire time. She made sure that I stayed hydrated throughout labor, and after our son was born, she went out and got us sandwiches.

We had a beautifully positive experience working with Maris and I personally cannot recommend her highly enough. Maris, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

-Kiersten Cunningham

May 11, 2017

a photo from Maris James, CD (DTI), CBE, CBC

Birth Fee: $1900 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $75


Updated 8/29/2024

Birth Fee: $1900 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/29/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice