Testimonial for Jenna Chidester

This was my first pregnancy, we had finished a 5 weeks course in HypnoBirtihng and felt fairly confident and empowered that we could handle this birth on our own with our OB.  Countless people told me that a Doula would bring an extra layer of support and knowledge that my partner or some OB's might not be able to provide so we decided to pursue her expertise as extra support. We completely underestimated the impact she would have that day.

Jenna was the graceful, guiding force in the room, for me, my partner and the hospital team.  On birth day, I preferred her calling the shots and taking the lead because I had complete trust in her assessment of the situation.  The pressure was off of me to think about anything else except being in the moment, breathing down and connecting to my child.  The pressure was off my partner to determine and assess what would come next or anticipate my shifting needs.  A birthing class alone can't prepare you for exactly what will unfold for you on birth day.  It was unlike anything I could have imagined.

Jenna's role evolved with the labor.  She was a constant reinforcer of tools I had used in HypnoBirthing, using words and visualizations I was familiar with.  She encouraged a change in positions, set the ambiance of the room to be comfortable and serene, and encouraged me to stay hydrated and fed.  She was constantly informing and updating my partner and my OB to keep them included on the progress.  When the time came to push, she turned on what I jokingly called, "coach Jenna" mode and I knew it was game time.  This was exactly what I needed and she adapted accordingly.

She brought such comfort to us during every phase of labor, including her postpartum care visits where we relived the birth day, massaged my little one and relished in the beauty of such an amazing experience.

-Cola Hoff

April 10, 2017

a photo from Jenna Chidester

Jenna Chidester

Full Spectrum Doula Care

Birth Fee: $3000 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $55


Updated 6/2/2024

Birth Fee: $3000 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/2/2024

Years in practice