When searching for a doula, you want someone who is educated and experienced. But, you also want someone who is calm, encouraging, and intuitive. And regardless of what kind of birth you choose, you may also want someone who is familiar with home birth as well as common hospital procedures and interventions. With Kate as our doula, we had ALL of this!
With this baby, I wanted a natural, unmedicated birth. However, having passed our due date, and facing some other pressing health concerns, we opted for an induction. Katie did not judge me at all. She agreed to be there with us regardless of our situation, and encouraged me in making whatever decision was best for our family.
Our induction didn't go quite as planned, but Katie provided much needed assistance throughout the process. She encouraged me to ask the right questions, some of which I hadn't even thought of until she suggested them! As the morning progressed, Katie stayed with us, with a watchful eye on my contractions, making sure I was staying confident and had everything I could need or want. Labor and delivery were grueling for me, as my body decided to suddenly race through and kick baby out! I went from 4cm to Baby in 1hr and 13min - what they call a "rapid labor". While it didn't last very long, it was extremely intense, and happened too quickly for me to have an epidural. It was very difficult to maintain focus, and I didn't have time to adapt to the contractions. I'm not sure what I would have done without Katie's help. She knew exactly where and when to apply counter pressure, she knew just how to help the midwife, she knew when to hold my hand and when to support the rest of me. I was especially impressed with how the hospital staff responded to her. You know you've got a great doula when the nurses and midwife invite her back in the future!
I cannot state strongly enough how amazingly helpful Katie was for us. She's wonderful!
-Kyrsten L.
March 29, 2017
Nashville Doula Katie/Placenta Encapsulation
Birth Fee: $1200