Testimonial for Odessa Bates, MA, CD, CPD, CPES

I was induced starting on Monday, and my water broke on Tuesday. Odessa was immediately in contact and on the road once my water broke. she came prepared with a variety of coping tools. Odessa introduced herself to the midwife helping me through my birth, and the nurses.

The midwife attending was called away to another birth, and was unavailable for the first few hours of my labor. Odessa was excellent at keeping me (and my husband) calm and breathing. With her coaching I was able to get from one cm dilated to 4 while the midwife was occupied. I was cleared to labor in the birthing tub after 4 cm, and Odessa helped me labor in the tub from 4 cm to 10cm by bringing cool cloths, keeping me focused and the atmosphere calm. At 10 cm I requested an epidural at the reccormendation of my neurologist, and per my birth plan.

Odessa worked hand in hand with the midwife while I pushed for over three hours. Odessa advocated for me, explaining details of the (extremely rare) nerve condition. She continued advocating when it began to flare during pushing, and advocated for solutions. She also recognized that I might be needing a C section when my son slipped transverse, and his shoulder caught while pushing. The midwife was unsuccessful in turning him. She pulled my husband aside to quietly warn him of this possibility, allowing him to prepare himself to support me in the derailing of my birth plan. When I was taken for an emergency C section, Odessa kept my family calm. She stayed to ensure I was safely through the surgical birth and meet the little man we'd worked so hard to bring into the world.

Without Odessa's coaching and guidance I would not have made it through 12 hours of active labor medication free, and three hours of pushing, as well as a midnight emergency C section. The midwife assisting me commented several times how well I was handling the situation, and how supportive Odessa was throughout.

-Allison Avent

February 22, 2017

a photo from Odessa Bates, MA, CD, CPD, CPES

Odessa Bates, MA, CD, CPD, CPES

Doula Odessa & Birth Services

Birth Fee: $0 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $40


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Birth Fee: $0 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified Doula
Years in practice