Testimonial for Julie Pichon

I don't know where to even begin! Julie was AMAZING! My first pregnancy ended in a c-section, but this second time around I knew I wanted a VBAC. I didn't even consider a doula until I was researching ways to improve VBAC success rates, and hiring a doula kept coming up. We found Julie, and at our initial consultation I knew I wanted her present at my birth. Our prenatal meetings were incredibly helpful for me to flesh out fears, desires, etc. prior to the birth. She kept in consistent contact with me leading up to my due date, and then when I found out (on my due date) that my blood pressure had shot WAY up and baby needed to be born, she made plans to be with us the following morning for my induction (on election day).

Julie's presence at my birth was really priceless. We had some tough decisions to make within the first few hours since I was a VBAC patient being induced (yes, it can happen!), and she was so calm and supportive. She did not make any decisions for us, but she helped us to talk through what the doctors were suggesting and how the various options would affect my birth plan. Once labor started, she helped me relax, walked the halls with me, suggested various positions, showed my husband what to do, and just stayed a calm, supportive, encouraging presence in the room. I hit a point where I was DONE with labor, and she calmly encouraged me to give her some more time to move things along (I was asking for an epidural, which was in direct contrast with my birth plan). When it was clear that I needed the epidural to help me relax and let go, she supported that decision as well. After 18 hours of labor, I delivered my 9lb 4oz baby via SUCCESSFUL VBAC and I truly believe that Julie was instrumental in that success!

It's seriously difficult to put into words how much her presence and support matters, but I can say that she'll be the first person we call when we're expecting again!

-Cassandra Ginter

January 15, 2017

a photo from Julie Pichon

Julie Pichon

Birth by Design

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Updated 12/12/2023

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/12/2023

Years in practice