Testimonial for Heidy Ramirez

Heidy was incredibly helpful to us as a Lactation Counselor. I had been experiencing terrible pain while nursing and just "powering through" because I needed my baby to gain weight. Heidy came to us six days after he was born, and within minutes, she had identified the problem -- our little boy had tongue, lip and cheek ties. I am still amazed that they didn't check for these potential issues in the hospital, particularly given what strong proponents of breastfeeding they are, but thankfully, Heidy knew to look for them, and she sent us to an excellent specialist to have the problem corrected. Heidy then came back the day after the procedure (as an aside, I would strongly recommend the procedure to anyone who encounters this issue) and helped us with latching properly and with showing us some suck training exercises, explaining that baby needs to relearn how to suck using his newly freed mouth. She also showed me how to clean and use the breast pump (which I had been very intimidated by for some reason). She made it clear and simple and demystified the whole process. I can't overstate the value that Heidy brought to us as a Lactation Counselor -- things are so much better now. We continue to work on our latch, now nine days after the procedure, and Heidy has offered to remain a resource for us as needed.

I also want to mention that Heidy was incredibly professional as well as supportive -- she was exactly on time for our appointments, and that reliability is critical when you are dealing with something as emotionally fraught as problems feeding your newborn -- and she followed up after each visit with helpful information and thoughtful texts just checking in. In addition to this professionalism, she also exhibited sincere warmth and care towards me, my husband and our baby, and I felt very comfortable with her. I would strongly recommend Heidy as a Lactation Counselor.

-Rachel McGregor

January 06, 2017

a photo from Heidy Ramirez

Heidy Ramirez

Birth & Postpartum Doula, Lactation Counselor

Birth Fee: $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Updated 3/3/2025

Birth Fee: $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 3/3/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice