Testimonial for Christi Ward

It has been almost 8 months since my sons birth in May of 2016 and I am still grinning from ear to ear about the birth experience I had, and no doubt Christi's doula services were a big part of its success. When I first became pregnant I felt pretty well prepared, having been a nanny and babysiter for years, the idea of having a newborn was not daunting to me. However, when it came to labor and delivery, I was nervous. At my initial visit with my OB clinic I had said I wanted an epidural in my birth plan, but left with a lingering feeling of uneasiness which stayed with me for months. By the time I was about 6 months pregnant I had done a lot more research and decided I wanted to have a natural labor and birth, and per many of my friend's advice I decided to hire a doula's help. I knew the minute I met Christi she was the doula for me and my husband. Her calm, kind, and nurturing demeanor is just what I needed through my pregnancy and labor to help ease any of my worries and concerns. She was 100% on from the moment my water broke at 1:30am to when my son took his first breathe (and after...staying by my side post-partum as I was being sewed up and breastfeeding for the first time!). Knowing she was by my side and there to help comfort, coach, and guide me through each contraction helped push me through the 9.5 hours of painful contractions and THREE AND A HALF hours of pushing sans pain medication and very little rest. To this day I still can't believe I did it, but am so happy everything worked out the way it did. Wether you are considering a natural birth, birth assisted with an epidural/induction, or having a c-section, Christi is the doula for YOU! Even though I chose to go the natural route, she is not judgemental about any choice you make, she is YOUR advocate, YOUR coach, and YOUR comfort. You will not be disappointed with her service (and neither will your husband/partner...they will be really grateful!). :)

-Mary Bollero

December 20, 2016

a photo from Christi Ward

Birth Fee: $800


Updated 1/11/2025

Birth Fee: $800


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/11/2025

Years in practice