Testimonial for Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

I hired Kelly Sunshine early on in my second pregnancy, around 7-8 weeks gestation. I had an experience with my first labor and delivery that left me with daily feelings of regret, sadness, and remorse, and I knew that was not going to happen again. So many people raved about her services, and I could not pass up the opportunity to hire such a bright soul.

I was very nervous throughout my pregnancy, but had a sense of calm and peace of mind knowing that Kelly would be there with me to give me the support I would need, through the rest of my pregnancy as well as the birthing process. Each time I met with her during our prenatal meetings, I would express my fears and she would say the perfect words to help me find confidence.

It was a tough year for me, and I did not feel a lot of love or support throughout my pregnancy. Despite my fears, I was looking forward to the time when I would go into labor since I knew that I would have someone there to care for me, giving me support and encouragement, and suggesting ways to conquer the pain and power of childbirth.

With that peace of mind, I began and completed my labor with a calm mentality, and a complete absence of fear. It just so happened that my labor was very short and I delivered my baby 13 minutes after arriving at our birthing center (things changed VERY quickly during the 45 minute drive to the center), and Kelly wasn't there for the birth. I had only called her about 30 minutes before baby arrived. I would and will absolutely hire Kelly again! She encapsulated my placenta, took pictures, and made a beautiful cord keepsake for us, and promptly delivered it to my home the day after my baby was born. I couldn't be happier!

-Shawna Wolf

December 16, 2016

a photo from Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

Sunshine Doula Services

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350


Updated 9/22/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/22/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice