Testimonial for Debbie Castelbuono

Debbie's support took the weight off my partner's shoulders, and provided me with the solid block of courage I needed. When my water broke,  we drove to the hospital where we were inexplicably directed to the ER.  I told Debbie I felt like I needed to have a bowel movement, so she followed me into the ER bathroom, to make sure I was okay. After more than 30 minutes, Debbie was concerned about me spending my labor and possibly delivering my baby in the emergency room. She explained to the dr. that this was my fourth baby, my water had broken, and that I might have my baby in the ER. This got them moving. When I was finally admitted to maternity, my OB dr was not there even after having been paged several times. I began to push through my contractions to ease the pain. Debbie alerted my nurse that I was pushing. If Debbie hadn't been there, I am not sure anyone would have known. I was unable to talk. I told Debbie I needed staitol and she told the nurse for me. I was concerned that the baby might be born before the doctor arrived, and Debbie and the nurse assured me that if that happened, they could and would deliver my baby. Debbie's fortitude was a source of strength for me and my partner. I felt that I was in capable hands. When my doctor finally walked in, I was fully dilated and it was time for me to deliver my son. Debbie held my leg while I pushed. She gave me precisely the type of encouragement I needed. She told me that my pushes were working, she could see them working, which was what I needed to hear. After my son was born, Debbie stepped into the background to give me privacy, but was still there when I called to her and needed her. It was truly perfect. She helped me get my son to latch on, but only when I called to her. It was my fourth time having a baby and I had had many nurses that were either pushy or unavailable. Debbie was neither of those. She was supportive, but humble. I highly recommend her.

-Ellen Vitale

May 14, 2011

a photo from Debbie Castelbuono

Debbie Castelbuono

Alcyone Blooms

Birth Fee: $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice