Ursula is amazing. For those of you that are “cut to the chase” - Ursula is unbelievable and born for this job - she has an amazing heart and soul and is willing and able to share it through her work.
Emotional Review: It is so difficult to put into words the appreciation we have for someone at such an important and intimate event in our lives. Some words that I think of are: knowledgeable, genuine, authentic, professional, trustworthy, available, caring, warm, and sincere. One of the strongest word associations is Motherly - not in an annoying way, but in the true caring-, nurturing-, always-look-to-them-for-the-answer way. Like a mother, Ursula strives to provide as much information as she can to reduce the fear-factor of the experience. However, where a true mother may bring in their own emotions and experiences, Ursula is focused only on you and what you need. Having Ursula in the delivery room was calming because I felt as though I had someone who was medically knowledgeable but also understood me and how to translate the events that were going on in a language I would understand - again, a non-emotional, knowledgeable, strong motherly figure.
Events Review: Throughout our birth experience Ursula was always available at any hour to help provide us with information, suggestions, and guide us through what was happening. As part of her process, my partner, Ursula, and I had previously discussed our individual communication styles and expectations - all of which Ursula considered and navigated perfectly. Her preparation class was at the appropriate level of telling you what you need to know and not beating around the bush. It was far from a “boiler-plate” class that a hospital or someone would put on - it was well vetted, current, and informative. Her post-partum care was excellent, thorough, and thoughtful.
-Jacqueline Devereaux
November 19, 2016
Birth Fee: Not specified
Postpartum Rate: Not specified