Testimonial for Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

For my first pregnancy I knew that I wanted to have a first time labor/birth experience full of support when that time came.  I knew for sure my husband would be there for me; now for the second party present I was unsure whom I would want there with me and him.

After a lot of thought and consideration I decided that a birth doula is what I was missing to hopefully make my experience what I wanted which was an intervention free delivery.  In the end both my husband and I felt that having Denise as our birth doula was essential to our experience as first time parents.  She was able to support me greatly with pain management techniques as well as keep my husband very much included in the process which I am sure he appreciated.  She was also instrumental and keeping us informed of all hospital/nurse/doctor jargon that comes up which as first time parents was all new to us.  And lastly, the entire maternity ward staff loved having her there!

With Denise's guidance and expertise I was able to labor in the comfort of my home and implement many pain management techniques such as a warm bath, certain yoga poses, back massages, aromatherapy and the list goes on.  Once we arrived to the hospital my dilation was far along which ensured that I would not be sent back home which was a great relief.   I was also able to deliver my baby with no interventions whatsoever which is exactlly what I wanted.  I do not think this would have been possible had we not had Denise there guiding us through the process.

I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to have a total supportive birth experience.  Denise was very professional from the very first conversation we had and is very organized, 2 things I highly value.  With Denise you are in great hands!

-carolina polanco

November 17, 2016

a photo from Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

Bold Doula! Placenta Encapsulation, CLC, CBE

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice