Testimonial for Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

My husband calls Denise the baby whisperer. I call her my savior and light at the end of a colic baby tunnel.  Where shall I begin: I found Denise through encapsulating my placenta. While I was in labor, which had many complications, she made me feel confident in the decisions I had to make and I instantly felt empowered by doing what I felt what was right for me and my baby. When your in 17 hours of hard labor and you feel exhausted and defeated having someone like Denise is a blessing.  She was so knowledgeable, caring and passionate. From the minute I met her I knew I was in good hands. She helped with breastfeeding while we were in the hospital and gave us a platform of comfort to come to her with any questions or concerns. Her placenta capsules are amazing by the way.  When baby Margot was about 3 weeks old I had been having a horrible time with colic. I hadn't slept in about 4-5 days and felt there was nothing I could do to comfort my child. I called Denise and cried hysterically asking for help. She was only suppose to stay with me for an hour or two, but she did not leave until the job was finished and that mama and baby we're rested and well. She spent about 8 hours with us.  Denise gave us the tools to help calm and comfort our child. She gave me the strength to be the best I can be. She provided us with a bag of tricks to create a calm colic baby. Margot hadn't slept in days, refused to take a pacifier, was cluster feeding and screaming like a feral cat about 12-18 hours a day. With-in 1 hour of Denise being here she had Margot sleeping, sucking on a pacifier and feeding on a actual schedule! Since Denise's home visit we swear our lives have completely changed. Margot feeds on a schedule, has very little colic throughout the day and when she does we have the tools to calm her quickly. Denise calls and checks in with us and I feel confident I could reach out to her anytime for help and she would be there in a heart beat.

-Anna Bierkamper

September 12, 2016

a photo from Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) CLC, CBE

Bold Doula! Black Women Do VBAC, CLC, CBE

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 1/23/2025

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/23/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice