I had a very hard, traumatic labor with my first and my husband and I became pregnant with our second sooner than we wished. We had moved out of state, my husband began a stressful job, I had to quit my great job, and we had trouble adjusting to our new life. I say all this because Virginia put me at such ease that I cancelled all other plans to interview other doula's after our first meeting. Even though we went through an intense birthing class with our first, Virginia taught us even more techniques that I believe shortened my labor. She also reignited my confidence that I could do another med-free birth and have a successful, trama free delivery. She was right. She was a strong advocate in the hospital, gave me comfort, was the buffer between me and my husband during the difficult moments of labor when you hate your partner, and fought to give me a water labor before we were "supposed" to. After the birth I struggled to breasfeed successfully. My daughter was born on a friday and had to be kept an extra day due to low weight and so we had no lactation consultant at hand. She came at midnight and encouraged me while teaching me calmly what to do. She stood by my side while I had to pump because of pain and was my support when no one could at the hospital with me. If I were to have another birth in this state I would choose Virginia again in an instant.
-Meghan Matthews-Adair
August 31, 2016
Preparing for Birth and Beyond, LLC
Birth Fee: $1200 to $1500