Testimonial for Teresa Vittorioso-Fortin C-FSD (BADT), BCCE, CLE

Without Teresa I would not have had the confidence to plan for and pursue the choices that felt right to me for my son's birth. I had a serious psychological block about the idea of being immobile during labor and so knew I wanted to aim for an unmedicated birth. It was also important to me to have a lot of control over even very standard monitoring and procedures during labor, and to be able to focus my energy internally without a lot of commentary or interference. Teresa was *amazing* for all of this, and everything went just as I'd hoped. She came to our house at 5am after texting with my husband about updates as I'd been having regular contractions that got closer and closer together over the course of the night. She showed up full of positive and calm energy and encouraged me to rest and relax and move through the contractions as they occurred. We went to the hospital at 6:30am and I was already 7cm. I labored in the hospital throughout the morning and Teresa kept the whole scene at bay, communicating with me, my husband, and the nurses in a way that allowed me to be completely focused on my body and its processes. I was not always the picture of serenity to say the least but she was unflappable and totally encouraging the whole time. My son was born at 1:30pm after just 20 minutes of pushing - I was 100% thrilled with how labor had gone and cannot imagine doing it without Teresa's help. We also really appreciated the planning and educational meetings we had with her in advance. It made us more comfortable with her and helped us think through a plan. She also generously agreed to attend a meeting with my NP at my doctor's office so we could put some formal instructions in my chart. We just had our postpartum visit with her and everything is going well. We will always have a special place for her in our hearts and much gratitude for the whole experience.

Emily, Andy, and Jonah

-Emily Richmond Pollock

July 14, 2016

a photo from Teresa Vittorioso-Fortin C-FSD (BADT), BCCE, CLE

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