Becoming a mother is a true miracle but also it is a big stress. Labor doesn't always go smothly and can be very traumatic for a mother and for a child. That's why it's very important to get right care and support in postpartum period. I am a mother of a preemie. And it was very hard for me not to loose my milk supply when my baby was at the NICU. When Jacquie started working with us, my breastfeeding routine was very unorganized. I wasn't producing enough milk, so I had to substitute with formula. And I was certain that it will always be like that. But Jacquie helped to believe that It is possible to stop using formula and get a good milk supply. She encouraged me to breasfeed more and use a bottle less, and not to give up when my daughter was getting fussy and didn't want to latch. She was so used to a bottle already and also she was not strong enough to latch long enough. With Jacquie'a help I was able to achieve my goal is to breasfeed exclusively.
Also Jacquie was very helpful with finding right specialist for my daughter and for me. I wish I started using her help while I was pregnant. I could avoid many problems that way.
Jackie is very professional and also caring person. She loves what she is doing And I think she really enjoys helping new moms. She provided me help and support that I really needed. Thanj you very much for everything!!!
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June 13, 2016
Mamma's Instincts
Postpartum Rate: Not specified