Testimonial for Victoria Calleja

Victoria was absolutely vital to the amazing birth experience I had. It's impossible to explain everything she did in under 2k characters. These are some highlights.

During transition, I began to start tearing up & she told me, "it's ok! sometimes we just need to cry. So cry!" It was the most important things that anyone said to me during my labor. It allowed me to let go. When the midwife reminded me I had asked not to have a waterbirth, Victoria reminded me that I could always change my mind. I love that she made sure to remind me that I was in charge, w/o ever pushing an opinion on me. She also always knew exactly what to do. I feel like she was perfectly in tune with me.

When it became apparent that my baby needed to be delivered quickly for her safety & mine, Victoria kept me focused. When I said, "I can't!" She told me, "You can!" I had a VERY fast labor & it became scary & overwhelming. When I began to "lose it," Victoria was my center. She kept me confident & helped me regain control. She made me feel safe. Through it all, Victoria kept me at peace. While the midwife was responsible for my medical health, Victoria was there for my physical, emotional, & mental health.

I'm so grateful she was my doula, especially bc my husband was not there. having someone who I was comfortable w/ & who had so much love for my baby and me was invaluable. She stayed by my side for the entire labor and postpartum period. Even during the newborn exam, she stayed w/ ME. When everyone, self included, was preoccupied with the baby- she was preoccupied w/ me. She followed up w/ me not just for my postpartum period, but for YEARS. She was gentle when I needed gentle & she was stern when I needed stern. She was hands on when I needed that & she gave me space & kind words when I needed that. I do not know what I would have done w/o her and I can't recommend her enough.

-Cassie Ehard

May 23, 2016

a photo from Victoria Calleja

Victoria Calleja

All Things Birth LLC

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1300

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Updated 8/28/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1300

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/28/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice