Testimonial for Christina Carino CD(DONA)

The first thing I want to begin by saying is that without Christina I would certainly have had a c-section and nobody wants to have that! I went into labor in the middle of the night at 3 am, Christina arrived to the hospital shortly after and did not budge from our side till I delivered the baby 18 hours later. She then stayed post birth to help with breastfeeding and to take some beautiful pictures. Christina is super dedicated and helped me in every way possible throughout labor. She helped with positioning so that my labor would progress properly, she helped me with nausea, pain...She was there for me for whatever I needed. 15 hours into labor, they realized that the baby was posterior and lodged under my bone and so we started attempting to push so that she would progress downwards. Christina suggested positions that would help the baby dislodge, the doctors knew nothing of how to dislodge the baby and were threatening ceseraen. Christina coached and encouraged me throughout the 3 hours of pushing, and she suggested the position that eventually turned the baby and allowed her to be delivered vaginally. I have no words to thank her for saving me from a c section. I would never go through a birth without her. Whoever hires her, is lucky to have her as their doula. I also forgot to mention that she came twice to our house, teaching us positions for getting through the beginning stages of labor as well as helping me write a birth plan. During labor and delivery, she made sure the doctors and nurses were following my birth plan. Thank you, thank you!!

-Riki Lieberman

May 04, 2016

a photo from Christina Carino CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Years in practice