Testimonial for Laura Fortner, CD(DONA)

Laura was a must have on my maternity and postpartum team.

Laura guided me with information both before and after birth. She recommended the North Dallas Doula Association's birth class to learn from. Their classes are uncensored and give you the opportunity to ask the Doula team questions. The depth of information offered even made most dads blush.

Laura made me feel comfortable in contacting her with all my questions at any time. I called her after every doctor's visit to ask questions I forgot to ask my doctor, and she always had answers. My baby was found to be transverse starting at 34 weeks. Laura help me understand that treatments may help move my baby down, but in the end she's stressed that baby knows the best way to enter the world even if it were to be by C-section.

It turned out Laura was right. We found out I had a heart-shaped uterus, I had trouble dilating, my water contained meconium and during medication forced dilation baby's heartbeat started to drop. I delivered by C-section understanding that baby was dictating the best delivery.

Postpartum Laura still armed us with information. I'm a big breasted gal and she recommended a more comfortable nursing bra , the Bravado M + +, to hold my girls up with comfort and much needed support.

Laura was great at following up postpartum, especially about important breastfeeding relationship. I mention to her that my breasts we're still being shredded at about 8 Days postpartum. Laura stopped by my house to examine my baby for a possible lip and tongue tie. She used her lactation network to verify that indeed baby had a lip and tongue tie that was traumatizing my breast and jeopardizing our breastfeeding relationship. She recommended the best pediatric dentists in the Metroplex.

Baby is doing well and feeding and gaining weight due to Laura's knowledge. I highly recommend her Laura to be on your maternity and postpartum team.

-Vanessa Arias

May 02, 2016

a photo from Laura Fortner, CD(DONA)

Laura Fortner, CD(DONA)

Voted Best Doula in Collin County

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 3/10/2025

Birth Fee: Not specified

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 3/10/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice