Testimonial for Cathleen Holt

We love Cathleen!! My husband and I are first-time parents who wanted guidance for a natural birth if possible, but also a dedicated support person throughout our pregnancy. I contacted Cathleen very early in my pregnancy and we met to discuss her services and philosophy. We decided to do Hypnobabies classes on our own, but I can tell you that her birthing classes come HIGHLY recommended from other clients. Cathleen was an invaluable resource for helping us decide on a birthing plan, deal with necessary dietary changes and insane swelling, and formulating a clear picture of what birth might be like.

I went into labor with my water breaking at home on a Sunday afternoon. We immediately called Cathleen for guidance. Once we got to the hospital, it was a long rollercoaster of increasing contractions, medical interventions and no real progress. My husband benefited greatly from having Cathleen to discuss things with until she arrived at the hospital. Everyone at the hospital knew Cathleen and had wonderful things to say about her work. In fact, she had only just left the hospital a few hours before after attending another labor. After 2 full days of labor with water broken and a significant amount of pitocin, I ended up needing a c-section to bring my beautiful little girl into the world.

When we met with Cathleen a couple weeks after the birth, I told her that, despite my initial birthing desires, I didn't (and still don't) feel bad about the way I gave birth. I wasn't pressured into anything and Cathleen made sure that we tried everything available to progress naturally that I was comfortable with. She supported my husband and I every step of the way. We had a beautiful, calm birthing experience and we cherish Cathleen for helping to guide us down this new path. We recommend her whole-heartedly and without reservation.

-Tekesha Geel

April 26, 2016

a photo from Cathleen Holt

Cathleen Holt

Charleston Childbirth

Birth Fee: $800 to $2275

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 7/28/2024

Birth Fee: $800 to $2275

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/28/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice