Testimonial for Ana Hernandez

I met Ana through the Birth Collective. From the start, I knew I wanted her as my doula. She was gentle and kind, but very knowledgable in pregnancy and birth. I didn't think I'd be able to have a doula for my pregnancy due to financial situations, but Ana worked with us. I didn't meet her until I was 8 months pregnant and she gave me a book to read about labor and birth. She has many books and DVDs you can borrow to become educated in the birthing process. I felt so much more comfortable about labor and birth after talking with Ana and watching a movie on Netflix she recommended. My water broke and we decided to head over to Sutter Birthing Center. SInce my water had broken, Drs and nurses were worried about infection and wanted a baby close to 24 hours later. I didn't want to be induced. After 15 hours of no contractions, Ana asked if I wanted an accupuncturist to come and try to get the contractions started. Within an hour, the accupuncturist got my contractions started and regular. By this time it was midnight and my husband went to sleep to get some rest. Ana stayed up with me making sure I was drinking my water and tending to my needs. The contractions started getting strong so she helped me in the tub and was there for me while my husband was sleeping. It was a long night and by noon the next day I was finally checked and was stuck at a 5 with the contractions getting farther apart and eventually stopped. I had to be induced, something I didn't want, but Ana was by my side helping me and telling me everything would be okay. Once the baby came out, Ana took pictures for my husband and I something that I love looking back on and be in that moment again. Ana has checked on me after birth with breastfeeding and the art of infant massage. At first my husband wasn't on board with having a doula and now after he says he doesn't know what he would have done without her! I highly recommend her.

-Chelsea Panzarello

April 09, 2016

a photo from Ana Hernandez

Ana Hernandez

Ananda Doula Care

Birth Fee: $2600 to $3500

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $70


Updated 8/10/2024

Birth Fee: $2600 to $3500

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $70


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/10/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice