Testimonial for Julie Pichon

I had known Julie for 8 years before she became my doula.  I had never thought I would need one because I have had 5 c-sections.  However, with this last pregnancy, I wanted to try for a natural delivery.  The group I was with originally, who claim to provide their own doula services, dropped me at 37 1/2 weeks of pregnancy.  Completely distraught, I called Julie that night.  She worked the phones for me all weekend, calling all her contacts, to try to find me a care provider who would support a VBAC.  We decided to go back to my original OB and see if she would let us try.  She agreed to it and we immediately signed a contract with Julie as our doula.  She did such an amazing job (In a short amount of time) of getting us ready for a natural labor.  She came with us to our next OB appt. at 39 weeks of pregnancy and got to meet our Doctor.  She was very respectful and polite and helped us come up with lots of questions to ask our Doctor so that we could all achieve my goal of a natural delivery.  At 41 weeks, I went into heavy labor.  Contractions started at 2-3 minutes apart and lasted around 75 seconds.  This was the real deal!!  Julie came right over.  She was so calm, cool and collected!  Her demeanor, experience and attitude really put our minds at peace so we could focus on delivering this baby.

During labor, Julie helped me "breathe out" each contraction and to stay calm.  She assisted me in position changes, comfort measures, and communicating with the staff.  She kept me grounded during the surreal experience that is delivering a child. She followed up with me for several days, checking on me and the baby and offering useful nursing and recovery advice.  Julie helped our dreams come true and she will always be an integral part of that day; one of the best days of my life!  Thank you Julie!  You are my hero!!

-Brenna Bishop

April 07, 2016

a photo from Julie Pichon

Julie Pichon

Birth by Design

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Updated 12/12/2023

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/12/2023

Years in practice