Carolyn is a wonderful doula and made such a difference during my birth. She was calm, confident, and an excellent advocate throughout, but frankly what I appreciated the most was her amazing endurance helping me get through back labor pains. For hours she dug her arms and hands into my lower back during and after each contraction, helping to prevent me from seizing up and allowing me to relax and recover in the little time I had between surges. Taking care of this one problem area allowed my husband to focus entirely on the emotional support I still very much needed, helping me through the breathing and visualization techniques we had practiced together ahead of time.
As a first time mom hoping to deliver without meds, I'm absolutely certain that having Carolyn there made my labor easier both mentally and physically (though it was by no means a cake walk). Carolyn supports all types of births and birth choices, but knowing that she has both the attitude and technical skills needed to support unmedicated labor should be a real comfort to anyone looking to have their baby "au naturel" like I did.
Also, it's worth mentioning that she was attending another client's birth when I called to tell her I had gone into labor (I was 1 week late and the other client was 2 weeks early, it happens!) yet magically she was by my side as soon as her other client was settled, and you would never have known she'd been working a double shift. She was just as energized and encouraging as she'd been in our prenatal meetings, and stayed long after my daughter was born to help us nurse and make sure all our needs were met.
Any parent would be lucky to have Carolyn as their doula, my husband and I surely were.
-Allana Strong
March 02, 2016
District Doulas
Birth Fee: $2400 to $3250