Testimonial for Tiffany Guenther, CD(PALS)

Best decision I made was getting a doula and even more so that I got to work with Tiffany.

She was so kind and patient. As soon as she walked into the labor room she started massaging my feet. She talked me through the contractions and helped me visualize moving through them. She kept me hydrated and fed with energy bars. She was able to let my husbad get a break and step in for him when I needed a hand.

The biggest and most significant thing she did was help move the baby down. Durring 30 minute stints she would use differnt techniques to move the baby down as I was going through contractions. She even found me a great resting position that really made the contractions manageable and probably why I lasted 13 hours without pain meds.

The doctor finally recommended pain meds when I hadn't dialated in 3 hours and they were going to introduce pitocin. Tiffany talked me through my pain management options and made sure I was comfortable with my decision of an epidural after 13 hours of contractions that were a minute apart.

When I started pushing she talked me through how to do it, telling me which muscles to use, to relax my legs, and to push baby towards the light.

She documented the entire labor and dlivery. I have pictures of the whole experience.

I recommend every pregnant woman get a doula and if possible, get Tiffany.

She was wonderful!

-Kerry Guard

February 12, 2016

a photo from Tiffany Guenther, CD(PALS)

Tiffany Guenther, CD(PALS)

Your Birth Choice Doula Services, LLC.

Birth Fee: $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $65


Updated 1/8/2024

Birth Fee: $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55 to $65


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/8/2024

Years in practice