Testimonial for Heidy Ramirez

Heidy was an amazing doula. She stayed in constant communication with me, from a few weeks before the birth to a few weeks after, checking up on how I was doing. During delivery, she anticipated my needs well, offering things before I even had to ask for them. She brought a bag of "tools" with her--massage and heating implements, rebozo, etc.--and knew based on what kind of pain I was having which tool to use. Per my birth plan, I had a completely unmedicated delivery, and throughout the process, she encouraged me to stick to my plan, telling me that my labor was progressing well and the pain would be over soon. She knew based on my movements and sounds which phase of labor I was in, and therefore, she knew just the right thing to say to coach me toward the finish line. My husband also found her to be an invaluable presence--her experience and gentle, soothing encouragement were critical to our birthing experience. Heidy also does not subscribe to any particular birthing philosophy, instead tailoring her support to what each individual couple wants. We did take a Bradley class, which we found helpful, but we're aware of how "cultish" some birthing philosophies can be. So it was nice to know that Heidy was agnostic about birthing philosophies, and therefore flexible and accomodating, which is important since unpredictable things can happen during delivery. Heidy was also well-liked by our doctor and nurses, and she asked them just the right questions. After our baby was delivered, Heidy stayed with us for several hours to make sure we were well on the road to recovery. And she has followed up regarding her post-partum visit as well. I would not hesitate to hire Heidy again should we decide to have another baby. She is wonderful!

-Mynette Louie

January 22, 2016

a photo from Heidy Ramirez

Heidy Ramirez

Birth & Postpartum Doula, Lactation Counselor

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $4250 to $4500

Postpartum Rate: $70 to $80


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice