I had a scheduled c-section for my first child and felt like it was unnecessary. Through my first pregnancy, I felt like I wasn't getting all of the information in an unbiased manor and that influenced my pregnancy and delivery experience. When I got pregnant with my second, I knew I wanted a doula for support and to increase my chances of having a VBAC. I found Christina and immediately felt like she would aid me in the process immensely.
Christina was always available and responded quickly to questions or concerns I had. I had some issues with irritable uterus throughout my pregnancy and she always helped me deal with it. She empowered me to make it clear to the doctors how I wanted to be cared for, as long as it was medically sound. And she helped give me different language to feel better about dealing with my ongoing contractions. Positive language can be so powerful!
Christina provided us with invaluable information to guide our decision making for our birth plan. She even gave us additional resources when we had questions or didn't realize something other than "the norm" was an option. She never judged our decisions, but simply gave us the information so we could guide my pregnancy and delivery with the knowledge of our opti
-Britney Archer
January 15, 2016
Belly to Birth
Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800
Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60