Testimonial for Ravae Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Ravae was our doula for the birth of our first child, a son, in December 2015. Prenatal she was responsive and professional. She came over for an visit a few weeks out from my due date and we reviewed useful information on laboring positions and strategies for managing pain. When the big day came I was in early labor for the better part of 48 hours before things progressed enough to warrant her coming over. Since we had been copping on our own for quite awhile we really appreciated her expertise and calming presence in our home as my labor progressed and we made important decisions such as when to move to the hospital. Always supportive of my needs and desires, she was able to influence our decisions by providing useful information and feedback without being pushy. When we moved to the hospital things progressed quickly. As I suspected, my spouse was overwhelmed by the experience of active/transitional labor and birth and therefore was only able to provide basic comfort. Ravea stepped in several times to ensure my desires, as detailed in my birth plan, were honored by the hospital staff. When the time came to make a hard decision late in labor I knew I could trust her to provide me an honest and trustworthy perspective when the hospital staff were pushing me towards a procedure I didn’t want. A few days postpartum I was having some difficulty with breastfeeding and struggling through painful engorgement. She made a very last minute and late night visit to my house at a key time to help me work through these issues. I still credit this visit with the saving of my sanity and the beginning of a very successful breastfeeding journey with my son. I highly recommend Ravea as a labor and postpartum doula, particularly to first time parents. Her experience was invaluable!

-Laura Brogan

January 06, 2016

a photo from Ravae  Sinclair, JD, CLC, PBD(NBPP), PPD(NBPP),PCD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/5/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice