Testimonial for River Sola, CD, LMT, RYT

It is thanks largely to Danielle that the birth of my son was a truly empowering and beautiful experience. I cannot say enough about how well she supported me throughout labor—with deep sensitivity, compassion, and strength balanced with a keen understanding of the mechanics of childbirth and invaluable techniques for coping with each stage.

During the early part of active labor Danielle helped me to deeply relax with massage, breathing, and other natural comfort measures. She was extremely perceptive and attuned to my needs. At one point my labor was not progressing as we’d hoped and Danielle showed me several positions that really helped move things along.

As my contractions became very intense during the transition phase, I started to vocalize to cope with the pain. Danielle guided me towards vocalizing in a more empowering way that completely changed my experience, giving me tremendous strength and diminishing my anxiety. She also showed my husband various ways to physically support me during these powerful contractions. When I was reached a mental wall and was not sure I could continue, Danielle coached me through it with great skill and tenacity.

Throughout my labor Danielle was also a vital sounding board for the medical decisions my husband and I had to make, i.e. whether or not to use Pitocin, AROM (artificially rupture of membranes) etc. to speed up my labor. She provided an objective voice on the pros and cons of each intervention while reassuring me of my own intuition.

Physically and emotionally Danielle provided invaluable support. Although I wasn’t able to have the home birth I’d planned for, Danielle’s warmth and skill carried me through labor and was fundamental in creating a positive birth experience that I look back on with great joy, satisfaction, and pride. When my husband and I decide to go for baby number two Danielle will be my absolute first choice for a doula!

-Rachel Bennett

January 05, 2016

a photo from River Sola, CD, LMT, RYT

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $45


Updated 1/16/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/16/2024

Years in practice