Rheja was with us for the birth of both my children. The two birth experiences couldn’t have been more different. My first son was born after three days of labour by C-section (not planned). She helped me work through those hard emotions in a supportive and loving way and gave me the confidence that I needed, especially in those precious first days and weeks. For that I’ll be eternally grateful. Rheja may not know the most precious gift she gave me for this birth. A cherished photograph she had taken right after my first son was born. When I was worried about the effects of newborn separation after a C-section, she presented me with an image that clearly captured love. Rheja was with us again for the birth of my second son. He was born at home (planned) in five hours. She respected (and celebrated) our choice to have an HBAC. Rheja is resourceful and respectful. She is kind and loving. She brings calm and peace into the birth experience. She is focused on mother and child safety. She works in lock-step with the midwives. And above all, brings dignity to these sacred and powerful moments that will stay with you for the rest of your life.