If Ursula is available, end your doula search. Although you won't know for sure at the beginning, hiring Ursula to be your doula will be one of the best decisions of your pregnant life.
Navigating a pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period, especially when its your first, is hard; unknowns follow worries, which are topped off by insecurity. That's where my wife and I found Ursula to be indispensable and we are so glad that she will always be a unique part of our family.
What makes Urusula so good is that her advice is measured. When you need her to reassure you or hand hold, she does. When you need someone to refocus you and reel you in, she does that too.
With her, you will get noting less than a subject matter expert who will do everything in her power to ensure the birth process is as safe and straightforward as possible. While no one can guarantee any particular outcome, Ursula's techinical skill and prescient advice are a sure thing.
-Matt Gimovsky
November 08, 2015
Birth Fee: Not specified
Postpartum Rate: Not specified