Testimonial for Shelia Kandeler, CD(DONA)

Shelia has been more than a blessing to our family. We just gave birth to our second son, via VBAC. When we found out we were pregnancy again, we knew right away that we hoped for her assistance, especially given my long labor tines. Our first birth had not gone as planned, but the one saving grace of our experience, which ended up as an emergency c-section, was Shelia. She was calm, graceful and a stern advocate to help us get the best birth experience we could out of an unfortunate experience.

We knew from the beginning that we wanted a VBAC. Shelia provided us with numerous contacts and ideas to help us prepare for another labor. She had names of alternative providers who were VBAC friendly, and acupunturists. We worked hard to prepare my body for an optimal birth. If she didn't have exprience with a practitioner we asked about, she would use her extensive network of doula friends to get answers for us.

We love that Shelia is always available for questions outside of our home visit sessions. She responded to our inquiries within a day or two. When in labor, she was able to get to us within an hour of our request for extra hands. She brought numerous props and ideas for helping baby position and labor to pickup. She is gentle with her suggestions, knowing my birth plan and allowed me to take charge when I felt the need. My husband appreciated having extra hands and assistance and respects Shelia's knowledge and caring touch as well. Additionally, the nurses at the hospital thanked Shelia for her time and care and help with the birthing process.

To top it off, Shelia has a plethora of knowledge about breastfeeding which was a must for both my children. She was able to both help hands on after birth and in the following days, as well as help me find resources for an IBCLC in my area since both of my boys were tongue tied.

We highly recommend Shelia and will certainly use her again if we get pregnant with a #3!

-Erin Gay Hulderson

September 07, 2015

a photo from Shelia Kandeler, CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 8/8/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/8/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice