Testimonial for Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

Our experience with Renee was awesome. I first met Renee at a prenatal yoga class she was teaching. Upon discovering she was a doula, I knew I wanted her to attend the birth of my baby. She has incredible energy and a positive spirit that is contagious. This was going to be our first child and having heard many unpleasant things about birth and labor I did not want to go into delivery of my baby being afraid. Seeing as my partner/husband and I were going to be in a long distance relationship at the time of the birth, we did not know if he would make it time or the event and I wanted someone to rally for me and support me. Renee definitely lived up to my expectations. She is incredibly strong and was always ready with suggestions. Despite the outcome of the birth of our baby girl being by c-section, Renee stayed right until the end, even accompanying me into the operating room. She took pictures of the procedure and after. She worked with me during the surgery to help me stay calm and focused. Even though I was disappointed I did not have the birth experience I expected, she helped me stay positive. Without judgement she allowed me to grieve the loss of not getting to have the birth I thought was important to me. Because of her we have a beautiful, healthy baby girl and a wonderful memory of the birth experience. Renee also provided post partum doula services by bringing a meal to the house, providing a listening ear that helped me process the birth and also watching the baby for a few hours when I had to focus on filling out immigration forms. Renee is an awesome doula and she will always hold a special place in our lives in helping to bring our little girl to us and complete our little family.

-April Iverson

June 30, 2015

a photo from Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

Renée Ahmadi MA CD (DONA)

FlexAbility Yoga and Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1400 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice