Joyce was highly recommended to me, and now I highly recommend her to others, citing her knowledge, warmth and calm energy. My husband and I met with Joyce twice before I went into labor. We also exchanged many emails and text messages during the three months between the time we first met and our daughter's birth. Anytime I found myself babbling to my husband about a fear or concern, he would say "Just text Joyce!" because he knew her prompt and thoughtful reply would help both of us relax. Each time we discussed something, Joyce noted topics we wanted to know more about and followed up by emailing links to articles, videos and referrals to aid in our learning and decision making. Joyce backs up her recommendations with research and data while bringing warmth and understanding to each meeting. We always felt more at ease after talking with her.
Because of Joyce, I approached the experience of my daughter's birth with excitement rather fear. In the delivery room, Joyce was able to comfort me, and also able to lend support to my husband by talking him through what was happening and what our options were. She took incredible photos that captured the moment our daughter was born, allowing my husband and I to be in the moment without worrying about documenting it. We told Joyce afterward that we could not imagine going through the birth without her—she was that instrumental to both of us.
Joyce's focus on positive birth stories helped me embrace my birth experience. One of the first things Joyce asked me after I delivered was “Do you feel good about this? You should.” She shared in my joy of having a new baby and kept my focus off of some of the obstacles we faced. Because of her, I share my story in a positive way and tell everyone the birth of our daughter was challenging but wonderful from start to finish, exactly how it should have been. Thank you, Joyce!
-Merideth Maddox
May 27, 2015
Birth Fee: $3250 to $4500