Testimonial for Adelaine Fox

After interviewing several potential doulas, Adelaine stuck out as the one. She has a true passion for women, birth and believes in women's own internal wisdom to guide them through birth. She is extremely easy to talk to and I immediately felt at ease. She also offers many years of doula work as well as a calming presence. I was nervous about hiring a doula initially not only because of the cost but also because I was unsure if I wanted  "stranger" involved in birth. Needless to say, I am glad we decided to hire her! By the time the birth rolled around, I definitely did not feel like she was a stranger.

Adelaine met with my partner and I several times before the birth. We had some pre-birth complications and she helped us stay positive and focused as well as come up with alternate plans should I not be able to have a vaginal delivery. Thankfully, I was able to have a vaginal birth. The morning of the birth, Adelaine arrived when my contractionss were every 4-6 minutes, lasting about 45-50seconds. She immediately recognized that I was breathing too high and holding my energy higher up in my chest. She helped me direct my breath and energy down into my pelvis. We got to the birth center when I was 7cm! She rode in the car with us and helped me labor and squeezed my hips the whole car ride (25 minutes!). Honestly, I don't know  if I would have made it to the birth center without her help in the car. At the birth center, she continued to give labor support as I moved from the tub to the bed to the toilet...and when our sweet baby girl finally arrived, she ensured breastfeeding and skin to skin was established. She also took pictures, which during the time, I had completley forgotten about! My partner and I cherish them now.

She brings a wealth of exerpience, skills and love of birth and labor. My partner and I were so grateful for her and felt so reassured before, during and after the labor that she was there.

-Rebecca Kooistra

April 30, 2015

a photo from Adelaine Fox

Adelaine Fox

Moving to Motherhood

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Updated 7/28/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/28/2024

Years in practice