Testimonial for Julie Pichon

Julie was an angel from heaven during my 56 hour labor! I was planning on having a homebirth after a cesearean (HBAC). My labor started on a Saturday morning and by the evening I was having regular strong back labor. Julie came over and we all thought the baby would be born that night/morning. Little did we know we were only at the beginning. I had  excruciating back labor at home for about 48 hours and Julie was there for every single contraction Putting counter pressure on my back. I think she took maybe 2 small breaks to go to the bathroom and eat. Her hands were like magic, i was in so much pain but somehow her hands made it tolerable. During those 48 hours she had me walking, in the tub, and many different positions to help labor progress. It was such hard work but she never gave up on me! She knew how desperately I wanted a VBAC and homebirth. On Monday around noon I decided to transfer to the hospital for pain relief. I was at 7cm and hopeful that being able to rest and relax I would be able to save my VBAC. Julie actually drove me to the hospital with my husband following so that I could kneel in the backseat of her car. Hands and knees was the only position I could stand the back labor. I got an epidural at the hospital and we all could rest for a little while. Julie and the midwife discovered that the baby was facing my left hip and not engaged on my cervix, which was the reason for my crazy long labor. Julie knew the positions I needed to be in to get the baby down. She waa able to manipulate the labor bed and myself so that while I was laboring down the baby moved down. Once it was time to push she had me on my side and we got the baby out in 45 mins! I saw two sides of Julie, at home she was my emotional and physical rock. At the hospital I saw her vast knowledge of the medical equipment and how well she works with the staff. Without Julie there is no way I would have gotten my vbac. I could not possibly recommend her more.

-Katie Bopp Flanagan

April 29, 2015

a photo from Julie Pichon

Julie Pichon

Birth by Design

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Updated 12/12/2023

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $25


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/12/2023

Years in practice