Testimonial for Jessica Ruscetta, CD(DONA), PCD, CLC

I cannot recommend Jessica highly enough! My husband and I wanted a doula for my first birth, but didn't know any in the area and found Jessica online. We met with Jessica for the first time and immediately connected. We were impressed by her warmness, respectfulness, and knowledge. She emphasized how important it is to feel like it's a good match as the doula will be there for such an important and intimate day! After we left our meeting, my husband and I already had our minds made up to work with Jessica. And I am so very glad we did. Jessica was a huge support throughout the pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. She was incredibly respectful,  informative and empowering. She lent me resources and was available 24/7 to us. It was refreshing to be able to ask her my every question instead of having to call my OB or to search Google! My labor and delivery did not go as I had hoped, and Jessica helped me and my husband make informed decisions along the way.  I really don't know how we would have done it without her.  After I delivered my husband was especially grateful that Jessica could stay by my side so he could stay with the baby (who needed to be checked out).  I had a difficult time processing the whirlwind of that day and everything that happened and Jessica's postpartum visit was life-giving. It was so impactful for me to be able to process that day with someone other than my husband/mom. If you are on the fence about hiring a doula, regardless of what kind of birth you hope to have, do yourself a favor and schedule the first meeting. Doing that with Jessica was one of the best decisions my husband and I made throughout the pregnancy. Thank you Jessica! We look forward to working with you again one day.

-Brittany MacAdams

April 27, 2015

a photo from Jessica Ruscetta, CD(DONA), PCD, CLC

Jessica Ruscetta, CD(DONA), PCD, CLC

Rooted In Birth - Supporting Families Since 2013

Birth Fee: $1300 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 7/27/2024

Birth Fee: $1300 to $2800

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/27/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice